Haval H5 – an updated Chinese “giant” without competitors

Haval H5 – an updated Chinese “giant” without competitors

Трудно найти этому автомобилю достойного «соперника» на рынке России. К примеру, довольно-таки популярный Tank 300 уступает по габаритам, да и стоит дороже. Более «премиальная» 500-я модель и вовсе...
Tesla unveils long-awaited Model Y update

Tesla unveils long-awaited Model Y update

This is the biggest change to the model since 2019. The improvements concern both the visual component and the technical part. Read about all the innovations in our...
Timing drive: belt or chain

Timing drive: belt or chain

Both drives once competed with each other. Today, we can say that each has found its place, but disagreements between car manufacturers remain....