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About edition

Information resource bibimot is entirely devoted to one of the most important aspects of human life - movement in space. On the pages of the site you will find materials about the latest in the global automotive industry and the models of your youth, about the differences in the design of motorcycles and high-tech electric cars. We pay close attention to new trends in the development of modern vehicles, but we also do not forget about the achievements of the past. Fans of road trips and sea vessels are also our readers. And there are also high-speed trains, small and large air transport, space transport, drones, etc., but let's not forget about scooters and cycling :)

On the pages of the site there is no place for prohibited symbols and propaganda of weapons, drugs, discrimination of people on any grounds.

We remain open for mutually beneficial cooperation, and to bibimotAnyone who is willing to agree with our views and declared values ​​can join.

URL address: https://bibimot.ru

This resource may contain 18 + materials.

Periodicity: daily free

Chief Editor: Vladimir Radish

E-mail: [email protected]


Artem Barkovsky

Oleg Donskoy

Ivan Goncharov

Timofei Iorin 

Sergey Mileshkin

Alexander Berezyuk

Lina Gusakova

The opinion of the editors may not coincide with the opinion of the authors.

The editors do not have the opportunity to conduct private correspondence, give legal advice and act as an intercessor in official institutions, as well as review and return materials not ordered by it.