Electric scooters will be limited as much as possible - a new bill is being prepared
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Electric scooters will be limited as much as possible - a new bill is being prepared

You will soon have to be careful when riding electric scooters and other personal mobility devices (PIMs). The government supported a senatorial bill regarding a series of fines for various violations. About it сообщает RIA Novosti news agency.

You will receive fines for driving a SIM while drunk, speeding, driving together and in the wrong places. Pedestrians can rejoice - the restrictions will force the majority of scooter riders, unicycle riders and cyclists to move more carefully and with an eye on others.

The government's response noted that the senatorial bill needs improvement, but its general essence is conveyed correctly. By the way, the proposed fines are going to be adjusted downwards. But for now they exceed similar ones relating to vehicle drivers.

Electric scooters will be limited as much as possible - a new bill is being preparedE-bikes are also often driven at excessive speeds. Photo: Youtube.com

Police officers will continue to suppress offenses related to personal mobility devices. They will draw up protocols on administrative violations in accordance with the code. The latter, by the way, will be supplemented with a new article regarding SIM.

Fans of alcoholic drinks will soon have to abstain from their consumption if they want to go for a ride bicycle or an electric scooter. After the new bill is passed, such irresponsible comrades will be stopped, checked and fined.

The amounts are impressive - from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. You will have to pay the same amount for refusing the examination. It will be cheaper to escape from the scene of an accident, at least in advance. For this you will be fined 4-5 thousand. Of course, this amount does not include damages.

Those who like to ride together on one scooter will receive a fine of 2 to 3 thousand rubles. By the way, these can be seen from afar. If the SIM is intended to carry a passenger, then you can move around like that.

Many drivers believe that a unicycle has nothing to do on the road. Photo: Youtube.com

They will also be fined for violating the speed limit. Moreover, they plan to set the amount of penalties depending on the excess. Amounts from 500 to 5 rubles. To receive the maximum fine, it is enough to exceed the permitted speed by more than 000 km/h.

Finally, they will start punishing for improperly crossing the roadway. And this is a frequent violation, which periodically irritates drivers carsThe problem is that SIM owners often have no idea about traffic rules.

In general, the new season for lovers of electric scooters, unicycles and other personal mobility devices seems to be off to a fun start.
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