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Abandoned vehicles: from bus to rocket carrier

Abandoned vehicles: from bus to rocket carrier
Everyone is aware that the ZiL plant is no longer there: the workshops are abandoned and ruined - but not all! Oddly enough, the company still has cars that have not found their buyers. Trucks and minibuses, and new ones, are in the hangar ... But this technique was lucky: it is possible that they will be sold for a reasonable price.

And imagine that you went for mushrooms in a birch tree and suddenly stumble upon an Ikarus? This is quite likely: this can be seen from the video on the AUTO VIDEO channel. Buses are somehow more unlucky than other cars: public transport is left anywhere - in the forest, near suburban summer cottages, etc. Trucks and trucks abandoned in the Far North and Siberia can be distinguished into a separate category: do not freeze driver and passengers if the car breaks down! But getting to it in order to drag it and repair it to the nearest auto repair shop (that way for 500 kilometers) often results in a difficult problem - a trip to a hard-to-reach place with a tractor costs a lot of money. Sometimes it's easier to leave the truck and forget about it, especially if it's far from new.

The military throw equipment in their own way: first, they surround everything with barbed wire, put up guards, and then it all somehow gradually disappears. Only huge rocket carriers and other monsters remain, which can be seen by watching to the end of the video.


Photos used: https://youtube.com

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