In the Russian Federation, registration of a car with dealer additions may be refused
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In the Russian Federation, registration of a car with dealer additions may be refused

Already this year, the happy owners of new cars, purchased from a dealer with add-ons, may encounter a problem at the stage of registration actions in the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Rosstandart warned both car manufacturers and dealers about such risks, sending them the relevant letters.

As experts in the auto industry found out, such a measure on the part of Rosstandart is due to the fact that many dealers openly impose additional options on potential buyers, without which it is impossible to buy a car. This is done with one goal - to ensure a high level of marginality for each transaction, and thereby increase the income of the official dealer.

In the Russian Federation, registration of a car with dealer additions may be refusedOwners of cars with dopami risk going back to the salon. Photo:

Many buyers settle for extortionate markups, buying a car often with superfluous extras. This forces them to make a shortage of cars both in stock in showrooms and in plans for delivery, which in turn is due to the crisis of semiconductors that has flared up. Surcharge for a car with full "additional" often reaches 10% of the original price.

The most interesting thing is that it is simply impossible to register a car purchased with imposed additions. Vehicles are subject to registration with the traffic police only with those “additional steps” that are described in the OTTS document - vehicle type approval. It should contain data not only about additions, but also about all the characteristics and design features of the car.

According to experts, the aforementioned OTTS usually does not contain information regarding kungs for SUVs, enlarged rims, wind protection, and other additional options. The practice of the traffic police already has several cases when the owners of such cars from the salon were legally denied registration actions.

If something does not go according to plan, the traffic police will have to come again. Photo:

The only way out of the situation is to turn around, go to the official dealer, remove all additional equipment to bring the car into a “stock” look, and only after that go back to the traffic police for registration.

It should be noted that the above does not apply to the original retrofit from an authorized dealer, since such equipment, as a rule, is pre-approved and certified by the car manufacturer. However, you should be careful when buying a new car in the cabin and refuse unnecessary add-ons, especially if you do not plan to actively use them in the foreseeable future.
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