ZIL-130 - a symbol of Soviet construction projects, which is still working
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ZIL-130 - a symbol of Soviet construction projects, which is still working

Soviet trucks were remembered by many for their blue cabin. This color personified peace, the village and youth. It was the medium-tonnage cars are a symbol of urban construction projects and rural harvesting campaigns.

Of course, there were enough heavy trucks in the country, but most often people came across ZIL and GAZ, many worked for them or learned to drive.
Today we will talk about the "senior" in the family of medium-duty vehicles of the Soviet Union - ZIL-130.

The story of

The ZIL-164 truck appeared in 1957, although even then it was clear that it did not correspond to modern realities. Around this time, the engineers of the Likhachev Plant began the development of the ZIL-130.

ZIL-130 - a symbol of Soviet construction projects, which is still workingThe most popular ZIL-130 in our time remains a dump truck. Photo: Youtube.com

The new truck has been mass-produced since 1963, in parallel with the ZIL-164. In 1964, the old car was removed from the conveyor, replacing it with a new model.

It is believed that the ZIL-130 is a completely Soviet development, but in fact, the designers were inspired by the American car industry of those years.

But to say that the ZIL-130 was a copy is wrong. They took only the design, the technical characteristics were completely their own.
The main external feature of the Soviet medium-duty vehicles ZIL-130, like the GAZ-52/53, is the blue color of the cab in combination with white edging.

The history of the appearance of such a color is interesting. Previously, Soviet trucks looked like military vehicles, and the cab was painted in a corresponding dark protective color.

It's easy to understand - if necessary, that is, if a war starts, trucks become military. They shouldn't stand out. In the early 1960s, the Communist Party expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the USSR was perceived by foreigners as a militarized country. Therefore, we decided to paint medium-duty trucks blue with white trim. Peaceful sky with clouds floating in it.

Features of the model

In the second half of the 1960s, many dreamed of working on the ZIL-130. It was a modern and comfortable truck. The cab had three seats, the driver's seat was separate and adjustable in four directions. Seat cushion without springs, made of latex imported from abroad.

Engine ZIL-130. Photo: Youtube.com

In winter, drivers appreciated the new heating system, and in summer - ventilation with hatches. There was even a windshield washer - an unprecedented luxury for trucks of that time!

It was on the ZIL-130 for the first time in the class that a power steering appeared, which made the control simpler and the car maneuverable in the city. Anyone who has tried at least once to deploy a truck without a GU in a narrow space will understand the value of this improvement.
The engine was a V8 with a displacement of 6,0 liters and a power of 150 hp. With.

The motor was gluttonous, but gasoline was not considered in the USSR in the 1960s. Although, the point is not even that there was a lot of fuel, but that it is difficult to repair diesel engines. And gasoline engines were repaired at any mechanical yard on a collective farm.

The box is five-speed, specially designed for the ZIL-130. All gears with synchronizers except the first.

There is no cross-axle differential lock, but the truck has good cross-country ability - thanks to large wheels and high ground clearance. We must not forget at what time these machines were developed, and where they were supposed to be used - at construction sites and in the countryside.

The powerful frame and springs easily withstood constant overloads. Photo: Youtube.com

The ZIL-130 chassis is strong and durable if the car is not overloaded. But in the USSR, this rule was neglected, so the frames periodically cracked. But the overload had to be significant - the chassis was made to last.

ZIL-130 was distinguished by a number of qualities that made it a favorite of drivers:

  • ? Reliable
  • ? Structurally simple
  • ? maintainable
  • ? Not afraid of overload

No wonder this car was produced until 2010 at different factories. The last manufacturer of this truck was AMUR (Ural Automobiles and Motors).

Basic Modifications

Although the ZIL-130 was rarely used at the "construction sites of the century", such as BAM, Siberian hydroelectric power stations, these cars worked constantly on rural and urban roads.

The cabin is simple, but comfortable for its time. Photo: Youtube.com

The truck worked in various sectors of the national economy, including utilities and fire services. Cars carried cargo, were aerial platforms and cranes, sewer modifications, furniture vans, delivery isotherms.

The Likhachev plant produced only a few versions:

  • ? Chassis
  • ? Airborne
  • ? Tractors

All other versions are the result of cooperation with third-party manufacturers. For example, even dump trucks had at least three modifications.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the export ZIL-130, on the tropical and northern versions. Only the most experienced assemblers assembled trucks abroad, spare parts and units underwent special quality control.

Tropical modifications additionally received insulated wiring, a fan and other improvements.

Trucks were also used to transport people. Photo: Youtube.com

Northern ZiL had double glazing, thermal insulation, and so on.


During the entire period of production, the trucks were modernized, increasing the resource, eliminating defects, changing problem nodes to more reliable ones.
As a result, the carrying capacity rose to 6 tons, and the car needed a major overhaul no earlier than after 300 kilometers.

In the mid-1980s, the car received a dual-circuit brake system. However, they were not going to modernize the ZIL-130 globally back in the 1970s - by that time, the specialists of the Likhachev Plant were preparing a new model - a cabover ZIL-170 with a diesel engine.

But nothing happened with this truck - by order of the “top”, the version almost ready for mass production had to be given to a new automobile manufacturing enterprise - KAMAZ.

Triaxial modifications

On the basis of the ZIL-130 in the mid-1970s, it was decided to create a new model with an increased carrying capacity. The frame was reinforced, equipped with an additional drive axle. This is how the ZIL-133 appeared with a 6x4 wheel arrangement.

At first, the model was equipped with the same V8 carburetor gasoline engine, but its power was not enough. Yes, and fuel consumption came out in the region of 50 liters per 100 km.

ZIL-133GYa. Photo: Youtube.com

Most of all, the drivers of the ZIL-133GYA, nicknamed the "Crocodile" or "Baba Yaga" in the USSR, were remembered. This truck was already equipped with a KAMAZ-740 diesel engine, and was distinguished by its power and efficiency.

After the collapse of the USSR

ZIL-130 in various modifications were indispensable in the first half of the 1990s. Gradually, they began to abandon them - gasoline consumption hit hard on the pocket. The longest worked various special modifications - they are still working. These are aerial platforms, cranes, sewage tanks and so on.

Dump trucks stayed the longest in the service - they are still found on the balance sheet of municipal and road organizations. Airborne ZIL-130s are also still used in the countryside - they continue to carry grain and other crops.

In private households, the ZIL-130 is still in operation - to carry some serious cargo a couple of times a month. But those who use these trucks on a more or less permanent basis converted them to diesel a long time ago.

Sky blue with white trim ZIL-130 can sometimes still be seen on Russian roads. Many smile at the sight of these trucks, remembering their Soviet automobile youth.
Do you remember ZIL-130?
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