Making oil filters for cars - enough old machines and diligence

Making oil filters for cars - enough old machines and diligence

There was a time when they were produced in Russia cars, 100% assembled from domestic spare parts. True, at that time the country was called the Soviet Union and was not friends with capitalist countries. It is clear that they would have been happy to arrange for the supply of parts in large volumes, but the USSR could not allow this. Firstly, it was financially burdensome, especially since they would have had to pay in foreign currency or give away raw materials for next to nothing. Secondly, even at the beginning of the existence of Soviet power it was clear that we had to do it ourselves. After all, you can’t rely on capitalists. Yes, the machines and technologies for producing cars and motorcycle They bought it in the USA, Germany and other countries, but it was quickly copied.

Now everything is different. At a certain stage of development, automakers decided that it was easier to purchase components and components abroad. Say, many do so, and it turns out cheaper. And there is no need for highly qualified personnel - workers recruited “on the street” after a three-day training can collect. Only it turned out that politics can instantly ruin schemes. Now Russian automakers are suffering from a shortage of components. There is talk that it is urgent to establish an independent production of parts, but things are moving slowly. But the problem is not that it is difficult - there is no desire. To be convinced of this, you need to watch a video from the author of the Evidz channel. There, the guys just make "branded" oil filters for cars. And they don't need sophisticated equipment to do it.
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