VW Passat - superior to Toyota Camry
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VW Passat - superior to Toyota Camry

С by cars Russians have warm memories of Volkswagen. It’s not surprising – models of this brand started to be imported to our country in large numbers back in the 90s. Of course, VW is far from Mercedes or even BMW. But these cars were slightly higher priced than Opel and Ford and did not rot so badly. Every second family driver dreamed of owning a Volkswagen. Models of this brand were produced for any budget. It’s not for nothing that the Russian-assembled VW Polo became a bestseller. It couldn’t be any other way. Volkswagens had already managed to penetrate the minds of drivers and register in the subcortex of the brain.

Passat is considered to be the "people's" Volkswagen. Particularly popular were the machines of the third and fourth families. They are structurally simple, reliable and cheap to maintain. The best option for trips to the country or to the village, plus economical. Only the next generations of the model began to frankly move away from the popular to the business class. Apparently, the manufacturer was haunted by the laurels of BMW and Mercedes. Nothing good came of it - VW Passat became more and more inaccessible to Russian drivers. Although, the model has become beautiful - it must be admitted. And the latest generation car is considered the most stylish. The author of the Clickoncar channel will tell about it.
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