Without a Gram of Steel and Concrete – an Unusual Bridge Will Appear in Russia
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Without a Gram of Steel and Concrete – an Unusual Bridge Will Appear in Russia

The Aluminum Association has shared fresh details about an original project planned to be implemented in the Altai Territory. An unusual aluminum pedestrian bridge will appear on the Altayskoye-Aya-Biryuzovaya Katun highway.

The length of the structure will be 48 m, and the estimated weight is 20 tons. The choice of manufacturing material is due to its high performance characteristics. The construction of such a structure will cost a little more, but in the long term, the approach pays off due to minimal investment over the life of the structure.

Aluminum bridges are lighter and highly resistant to corrosion. In addition, such structures are resistant to temperature changes and frost.

Without a Gram of Steel and Concrete – an Unusual Bridge Will Appear in RussiaThis is what the aluminum pedestrian bridge in Tula looks like. Photo: YouTube.com

The material can be additionally anodized, which will increase protection against aggressive environments. Another significant advantage of metal in this area is the ease of transportation and subsequent installation of components.

The Chairperson of the Aluminum Association commented on the choice of material:

Such structures have a number of advantages over steel products. Aluminum bridges are approximately two times lighter than their counterparts. An even more significant "plus" is the long service life and ease of maintenance. Steel products are known to be subject to corrosion, and our products are free of this drawback.

The association's industrial experts also spoke about the use of aluminum. In addition to confirming the advantages of the material, they emphasized that active development of the technology will allow the beginning of a "new era" in bridge construction in Russia.

At the moment, China remains the leader in this direction. In this country, aluminum bridges began to be built back in the 90s. As an example, we can cite the complex of crossings that were built specifically for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

Aluminum bridges are made from domestic raw materials. Photo: YouTube.com

European countries also actively use this material for long-term savings. The first automobile bridge in the EU is considered to be the structure located in the city of Schwansbell, Germany. It was built in 1956 and is successfully used to this day.

In the Soviet Union, the idea of ​​using aluminum in bridge construction was discussed back in the 30s. However, the first project appeared only 30 years later. The structure is located in Ruza near Moscow, and its length is 32 m.

Aluminum bridges are easier to install than steel or reinforced concrete ones.

In modern Russia, the trend of using aluminum is gaining momentum. Since 2017, 17 bridges have been built, and most of them were put into operation relatively recently.

The most notable modern project is the crossing over the Linda River in the Nizhny Novgorod Region. The length of the structure, integrated into the regional highway, is 72 m.

Given the revision of design rules in 2019, it can be assumed that the use of aluminum will continue to develop in bridge construction. The structure in the Altai Territory will begin to be erected this year. Unfortunately, the timing of the commissioning of the facility has not yet been announced.
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