The old Ford had a maximum of two years left, but now it will "live" longer

The old Ford had a maximum of two years left, but now it will "live" longer

"Age-related" cars Ford brands are still found on Russian roads. And in other countries that were once part of the USSR, they can be found. Only these cars, from the late 80s and the first half of the 90s, are gradually disappearing. Their bodies are not distinguished by resistance to external factors, and are actively destroyed by corrosion. So the Ford Escort that the author of the Anton Maliar channel got is not in the best condition. The owner has already given up on the car. However, he clearly did not buy it in perfect condition. Judging by the body, this Ford Escort will not be driving for long - a couple more years, and it will simply fall apart.

But the mechanic took on the task of restoring the body. Judging by the video, he spent less than a day on it. It's hard to say whether it's worth believing or not. Probably not, because there's a lot of preparatory work to do. You need to cut out rusty spots, weld in patches, clean everything, process, prepare and paint. But since the mechanic claims that he did it all in an evening and a night, let's leave it on his conscience. Moreover, the video is shot like a movie, there is editing and exaggeration of the plot. The main thing is that the Ford Escort got a chance to continue operating for another 5 or even 10 years. And the most unexpected and funny thing is that after the body repair, the engine, which had been working intermittently before, started without problems! It seems that the engine was waiting for this and did not start out of solidarity with the body.
Do you think the Ford Escort is worth restoring?
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