Total automation of trams in Russia is gaining momentum

Total automation of trams in Russia is gaining momentum

Engineers of the Department Transport Moscow has completed the creation of a new driverless tram. It will be the second in the capital, complementing the already popular "Lvenok-Moscow".

The final stage of preparation includes setting up the work area of ​​the analytical team in the cabin, checking basic functions and metrics, and completing the monitoring systems. The latter include lidars, radars, and video cameras.

According to DTIRDTI specialists, the level of technology used allows viewing the entire tram environment at a distance of up to 200 m. Positioning accuracy is calculated with an error of only 2 cm. In addition to this, the system provides a full all-round view due to a cluster of cameras.

Total automation of trams in Russia is gaining momentumThis is what the interior of the driverless tram looks like. Photo:

Previously, the urban infrastructure was prepared. Specialized equipment was placed at the checkpoints of the route. It allowed for the unimpeded interaction of the unmanned vehicle with the surrounding static space.

The preparation plan also included the creation of a new anti-skid system. It helps the tram wheels not to slip in place in high humidity or snowfall.

Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport commented on this event:

Now we will have two unique trams. The new model is built using our "Lvenok" technologies. The machine has already been prepared, we are running it in. Now the prototype is in the Krasnopresnensky depot. There, the tram has traveled its first kilometers on the test site. The latter is equipped in such a way as to copy the future route as accurately as possible. At the current stage of development, technologies allow duplicating all operator actions.

During the testing period, an experienced driver will be present in the cabin of the new unmanned urban transport. He will ensure compliance with all standards of the advanced system. In parallel, a team of analysts will be placed on board to collect statistical data.

The debut tram "Lvenok-Moscow" in Moscow has already managed to cover a distance of 3,2 thousand km. Residents and guests of the capital can meet it at the stops "m. Shchukinskaya" and "ulitsa Kulakova". The unmanned transport runs on route No. 10 with a special schedule.

The first "Lvenok-Moscow" has already traveled more than 3 thousand km. Photo:

It is noteworthy that during this "run" the automated system did not commit a single traffic violation. The software platform used is artificial intelligence software.

It analyzes the situation around itself in real time. At the same time, the system also “learns” to predict all possible maneuvers of other road users.

The launch of the second innovative tram on the route is expected in the near future. This year, the transition of the first "Lvenok" to a fully automatic mode is also planned on the instructions of the Mayor of the Capital.
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