Russia's shipbuilding sector awaits major changes in the new "five-year plan"
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Russia's shipbuilding sector awaits major changes in the new "five-year plan"

The government has ambitious plans for the shipbuilding industry. According to the published Plan for achieving the goals and development of the country, by 2030 the volume of domestic ship production will increase tenfold.

During the previous reporting period, 60 ships of various classes were commissioned. Their number is planned to be increased to 105 this year, and then an annual increase of 100-150 units is expected. Thus, by the end of the "five-year plan" the value should be 638 ships.

In addition, the authors of the document pay special attention to the localization of production. The share of Russian components is expected to grow progressively from 34 to 40%. This approach will reduce dependence on imported units and assemblies.

Russia's shipbuilding sector awaits major changes in the new "five-year plan"The volume of produced vessels will increase to 638 per year, and the level of localization – to 40%. Photo:

Shipbuilders will achieve their goals with the support of the import substitution program. In particular, this involves the creation of new research and production sites for the design and construction of civilian marine equipment. In addition, the Government will expand subsidies and provide additional funding for enterprises engaged in the production of large-tonnage ships.

A significant event in the development of the industry can also be considered the entry of the United Shipbuilding Corporation into the VTB Bank holding. This will provide USC with the financial resources that are so necessary for the implementation of the tasks set.
What do you think about the development of the shipbuilding industry?
An important area that definitely requires attention - 116 (41.73%)
I think it is better to develop the aircraft manufacturing sector - 7 (2.52%)
I don't know, specialists know better - 6 (2.16%)
It is hard to believe that we will reach such a serious figure - 149 (53.6%)
Voted: 278
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