Dodge Dart and Chrysler 200 II – Italian nod to European buyers

Dodge Dart and Chrysler 200 II – Italian nod to European buyers

Russian drivers have long been accustomed to the fact that cars from the USA should be large, sluggish and with V8 or at least V6 engines. But many people don't realize that not everyone in America can afford such cars either. Small models have long been popular there - it's not for nothing that Japanese manufacturers once staged a real revolution on the local market.

US brands looked at these classes with disdain for a long time, not wanting to participate in this "outrage". But the demand for economical cars grew, so they had to comply or leave. Not to say that Chrysler did not try, but the result is known - the concern "sold out" to Fiat, to which it now belongs.

The nimble Italians quickly got their bearings. They abandoned unprofitable models and brands, boldly releasing compact cars even from Jeep, which had never happened before. This is how the "twin brothers" Dodge Dart and Chrysler 200 II appeared.

Dodge Dart and Chrysler 200 II – Italian nod to European buyersDespite the same chassis, the Chrysler 200 II looks more expensive and solid. Photo:

These models are also offered in Russia – there are a couple dozen offers. Prices start from 950 thousand rubles for a Dodge Dart and from 1,1 million for a Chrysler 200. Only these models are illiquid on our market. Maybe this is good – more chances for a discount. And it will be easier to find something “not killed”.

History of models

The Italians understood perfectly well what a special feature American automobile brands have. They are known all over the world for their large-size models.

After analyzing sales, it was decided to play on this. So in 2012, the Dodge Dart appeared. The model belonged to the golf class, but had a number of features that were not typical for it:

✅ Dimensions 4,67 x 1,83 x 1,46 meters
✅ Body type only in sedan
✅ Weight from 1,45 tons

The Dodge Dart was to be sold not only in the US, but also in the EU countries. That is why it got its name and dimensions from the “American”. The platform chosen was a front-wheel drive Italian one – from the Alfa Romeo Giulietta.

Dodge Dart looks more dynamic. Photo:

The engines were only four-cylinder – as the Europeans like. Fortunately, there were no diesel engines in the lineup. But the petrol power units had a volume of 1,4 to 2,4 liters. Gearboxes were offered in three versions – mechanical, automatic, robotic.

The result was an American-style car, but with an eye on Europe. Initially, they expected that at least 100 thousand new cars would be sold in the US in the first year. Alas, only 2013 thousand were sold in 83.

But even this amount was enough to understand that the path chosen was right. Therefore, in 2014, the Dodge Dart was joined by the "twin" Chrysler 200 of the second generation. This model was made on the same platform of the Alfa Romeo Giulietta, but more stretched.

That is why Chrysler “grew” from the golf class and got into the middle one. It is for this reason that they abandoned the “non-serious” engines with volumes of 1,4 and 2,0 liters, leaving only 2,4 liters. And they also added a more prestigious V6 engine to it. The volume of this power unit is 3,6 liters. There were even all-wheel drive versions.

The Chrysler 200 II has no alternative gearboxes – only automatic ones. And modern ones, nine-speed ones. And from the German company ZF.

Sales of new sedans in the US and EU countries were weak. That's why the Dodge Dart was abandoned in 2016. The Chrysler 200 stayed on the assembly line a little longer. But in 2017, it was also removed. These models never appeared in the new generations.

Appearance and body

Both cars look quite modern. However, there is little "American" in them - the design is more reminiscent of Mazda and Ford. Some believe that this is not accidental - these are the brands that constantly demonstrate high sales in the golf and middle classes.

Chrysler 200 II traditionally received chrome elements. Photo:

The only thing that reminds us that these are cars from the USA is the corresponding nameplates. And the second-generation Chrysler 200 definitely looks more solid. This impression is created due to its more impressive dimensions and a small number of chrome elements.

As for the body, there is no need to worry - most cars are in good condition, there are not even any "bugs". Of course, provided that the cars were properly repaired after an accident. And they were often transported from the USA in a wrecked state.

When inspecting, pay attention to the condition of the bottom and gaps. If the latter are "walking", then you can soon expect rust. After all, the body repairman obviously restored the car in a hurry.


The models differ greatly in their interior equipment. The Dodge Dart is the most budget-friendly, with a minimum of options and cheap plastic. The Chrysler 200 II looks much richer in the cabin, although it is still far from the German business class.

The Dodge Dart has a simple interior. Photo:

Those who choose a car for family use will find the Chrysler more suitable. It has noticeably more space in the second row. The Dodge is traditionally more aggressive and sporty for this brand.

The interior condition of almost all cars on the Russian secondary market is good. This is due to age and the fact that such cars were bought by mostly calm, balanced, and thorough people.

It is worth noting that the visibility of the Dodge Dart and Chrysler 200 II is clearly not for novice drivers. And the small side mirrors will not instill confidence.


Engines with volumes of 1,4 and 2,0 liters are found only under the hoods of Dodge. These power units have one thing in common - a capacity of 160 hp.

The 1,4-liter turbocharged engine is much more modern. With it, the car accelerates to 100 km/h in 8,6 seconds. But with a 2,0 engine – in 10 seconds.

But the two-liter power unit has its advantages:

✅ It's atmospheric
✅ Easier constructively
✅ More resourceful

The third Dodge Dart engine has a volume of 2,4 liters. Its power is 184 hp. Also structurally an old power unit without turbocharging. But acceleration to 100 km/h is slightly less than that of the 1,4 turbo – 8,9 seconds.

Under the hood of the Chrysler 200 II, there is also a V6 engine. Photo:

Chrysler 200 II engines only start with the "top" power unit for the Dodge Dart. There is no point in describing it again - it is the same engine.

But the V6 is an interesting power unit. The engine belongs to the PENTASTAR family, has a volume of 3,6 liters and develops a power of 295 hp. It is considered to be the best engine in the history of Chrysler.

With a V6 under the hood, the car accelerates to the first "hundred" in just 6,5 seconds. At the same time, fuel consumption in the city and on the highway is the same as for a two-liter engine - 12,4 and 7,3 liters, respectively.

The engine is naturally aspirated and has already proven itself reliable and easy to repair. Yes, it is not as simple in design as the 2,4 liter, but with proper maintenance it will not cause problems.

How do they go?

It is more pleasant to drive in the Chrysler 200 II – it has better noise insulation. The suspension of the Chrysler is also tuned more for a comfortable ride.

The Dodge Dart's cabin is filled with aerodynamic noise. There's also the sound of tires, and the suspension, even if it's in good working order, literally rumbles on bumps. But it's strong - you don't have to go around potholes.

Chrysler 200 II is more suitable for the city and good asphalt. Dodge Dart can be used in rural areas.

If you compare cars with the same 2,4-liter engines, the Dodge seems sporty. It is lighter, so it accelerates more cheerfully, and also has a cheerful roaring engine.

The Dodge Dart has little space in the back row. Photo:

To sum it up, it is worth noting that the Dodge Dart and Chrysler 200 II are suitable as everyday cars. On the one hand, they are quite simple. But at the same time, they are unusual for Russian latitudes.

If you want more luxury, then it's Chrysler. Dodge is more suitable for those who are not used to driving around road bumps.

But it is worth warning - spare parts for both cars will not be found quickly. Almost everything, except consumables, will have to be ordered.
Would you choose the Dodge Dart or the Chrysler 200 II?
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