Antifreeze: Red, Yellow, Green or Blue?

Antifreeze: Red, Yellow, Green or Blue?

Every car owner had to buy antifreeze for their car - a cooling liquid. It is impossible not to notice that the samples offered in stores have different colors. What is the reason for this? It is worth saying right away: international standards do not establish a specific shade. The manufacturer is free to add any dye to its products.

Therefore, when choosing antifreeze, relying solely on color does not make sense. With the same performance characteristics, it can be different for manufacturers from different continents. However, certain rules for shade do exist. And there are not only technical, but also historical reasons for this.

Antifreeze: Red, Yellow, Green or Blue?Previously, the choice was small. Photo:

There were once two types of coolants for motors. The first, IAT, was made using additives from inorganic substances. These antifreezes were colored blue or green. Mixing such a liquid with its "colleague" ELC, made with the addition of organic additives, was highly discouraged. Therefore, orange or red shades were used here. But let's see how dyes are used in Europe to highlight certain qualities of a cooling liquid: from lower to higher classes.

Blue and green colors

They are used to color antifreezes of the G11 brand. They are based on ethylene glycol, and silicates play the role of additives, protecting the elements of the cooling system from corrosion. The additives are of inorganic origin.

Antifreeze T1 G11 green, 5l cooling liquid. Average price: 952 rubles. Photo:

An oxide film is formed on rusty areas, preventing further spread of the defect. However, it has a limited lifespan. Therefore, it is recommended to change G11 antifreezes every couple of years.


To produce coolants of this color, they use a technology that involves the use of carboxylates (these are organic substances). They prevent the spread of corrosion centers. There are no additives based on silicates. This coolant is classified in Europe as C12 and G12+.

Antifreeze SIBIRIA G12+ red 5l. Average price: 872 rub. Photo:

One of the positive qualities of this type of antifreeze is good lubricating properties. Also, G12 and G12+ practically do not form foam, preventing the formation of cavitation, which negatively affects the resource of the pump. Manufacturers set the duration of use of this brand of liquid at five years.

Purple and Raspberry Antifreeze

It uses bipolar (or lobrid, hybrid – second generation) technology, which has absorbed the best qualities of IAT and ELC, i.e. coolants made on an organic and inorganic basis. These properties made this type of antifreeze universal: i.e. it can be mixed with any cooling liquids.

Antifreeze AGA Z45EV G12++ blue 5 kg. Average price: 1299 rub. Photo:

The role of inhibitors (protectors of iron products from rusting) is played by both organic acids and mineral components. G12++ also contains silicon, the task of which is to protect aluminum elements from corrosion. The performance of the additives is maintained for ten years.

Orange and yellow liquids

Antifreezes that belong to the highest class are designated as G13. The distinctive feature of the brand is the use of environmentally friendly propylene glycol mixed with distilled water in its production.

Antifreeze SAMSON EU-STANDARD G13, 5 kg. Average price: 1193 rubles. Photo:

The additives used in G13 are the same as in G12++. It is not necessary that a liquid of the highest grade with the same liter capacity will cost more than its "colleague" of a lower class: everything depends on the manufacturer.

About mixing

Feel free to add coolants of the last two highest grades to the system car, if there is antifreeze of any class. G13 and G12++ are suitable for everyone! Well, and then - in descending order. Red coolant G12 and G12+ is not compatible with liquids of a higher class. The same can be said about green G11.

What if we mix it anyway?

Not immediately, but gradually problems with the internal combustion engine cooling system will begin to appear. The most likely of them are:

✅ appearance of rust areas
✅ water pump bearing failure
✅ clogging of radiator honeycombs
✅ thermostat jamming
✅ the tightness of the cooling circuit will be broken

By the way, the antifreeze itself will also lose its qualities. It can become viscous, which will make its circulation difficult. It will boil at a lower temperature and freeze at a higher temperature. You can forget about anti-corrosion properties: you should expect a coating on the elements of the cooling system.

How to mix antifreeze of different colors

The conclusion is obvious: focus on the brand of antifreeze specified in the car's manual. Color is of secondary importance, and not always.
What do you think about the colors of antifreeze?
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