How to wash your car in winter

How to wash your car in winter

car must be clean at all times: including in winter. Moreover, there are special reasons for washing in the cold season. It is not only dirt, but also reagents, which utility workers generously sprinkle on roads in cities.

Chemicals quickly corrode not only the paintwork of the car body, but also plastic parts and rubber. Another reason why the car should be kept clean in winter is the accumulation of ice in the wheel wells and on the bottom. This can make driving difficult, even limit, for example, the turning radius. In general, the fact that the car needs to be cleaned in winter is clear to any car owner: another question is how and where to do it?

car washes

The first and most important rule is the temperature: it should not be below -10°C. Otherwise, the procedure will lose its meaning – the water will simply freeze. Therefore, if you are used to using self-service car washes, first look at the thermometer. If it is located in a warm room, and not outside – that’s a different matter! Of course, the fee will be higher, but here it is a necessity.

After entering the garage, you need to give the car at least 10-15 minutes to warm up to avoid a sharp temperature drop.

We will not describe how and with what to wash a car: we will only note that the water should be warm. The whole peculiarity lies in the subsequent operations. After all, after the procedure is completed, you will have to go out into the cold. If the matter is entrusted to professionals, then everything should be in order "automatically". When you do the washing yourself, take care of the availability of a compressor and silicone grease in advance.

How to wash your car in winterIt's better to wash your car in a warm place! Photo:

Compressed air will be needed to blow out all open surfaces: body panels, glass, headlights, mirrors. It is advisable to expel the remaining water from anywhere where it did not flow itself. Do not forget about the rubber door seals and their locks, the trunk, and the gas tank flap. After driving outside, leave the engine running, open all the doors and turn on the heater at full power. If it is possible to treat the locks with silicone grease or another moisture-displacing compound, do it!

Most often, they forget to blow out the tank hatch with compressed air. Photo:

The last step is to warm up the brake pads. Choose a safe section of the road, accelerate and brake sharply. Repeat the procedure two or three times. But what if there is no way to wash the car in a warm place in winter?

Car wash in frosty weather

Let's say right away that this is an extreme case, and it is not recommended to do this on a regular basis. But if there is no other way... Prepare warm water and detergents, a rag (preferably microfiber), and a dry cloth. The engine should be warmed up in advance. Pour over the car, starting from the roof and wipe the body with a sponge with shampoo applied to it (if there is no high-pressure car wash). The water should be warm, but not hot (less than +40°C). Then rinse the body. Wash the wheel arches and disks last.

Wipe everything you can reach with a dry microfiber. Photo:

Start the engine, turn on the heater to the maximum, wipe all surfaces where water remains with a dry cloth. If you have a compressor, use it for blowing as well. At the final stage, lubricate the door seals with silicone compound, spray into their locks, not forgetting about the trunk. It is recommended to treat the glass and mirrors with a special agent that prevents the formation of ice. After completing the procedure, drive a little, periodically braking to dry the pads.

Car wash in winter at an open self-service station

And yet: washing in the cold in any case damages the paintwork of your car body. Therefore, it is best to wipe only the headlights and glass with an alcohol-containing liquid before the necessary trip. Also, always carry a de-icer for locks with you. And you can completely wash the car later, when you get to a warm car wash.
How do you wash your car in winter?
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