Assembled a car engine from 50 screwdrivers

Assembled a car engine from 50 screwdrivers

A screwdriver, like many other power tools, has a motor. Its power is used to rotate the chuck. Based on this simple design, some enthusiasts make radio-controlled models cars, boats and even flying machines. Of course, the engine won't be able to move a real car. But what if you use 50 engines at once? Auto enthusiasts decided to make a V-shaped unit. If for some reason it were to be released in serial format, it would receive the index V50.

To accommodate such a large number of "motors", a welded structure made of a profile pipe was used. A landing platform is provided for each screwdriver. The chucks were removed from the power tool, and homemade aluminum pulleys turned on a lathe were installed in their place. The torque will be transmitted through it to the belt system. When the monstrous structure was assembled, it remained to find the best way to simultaneously launch 50 screwdrivers. As a solution, a parallel connection scheme was chosen so that all the motors could be activated with one key. What came of it, we watch in the video on the YouTube channel "Garage 54".
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