Amphibian SK-142: problem with engines?

Amphibian SK-142: problem with engines?

Fans of small hydroaviation are well acquainted with the amphibians SK-12 and SK-14. Today, Orion-Avia from Tyumen has switched to producing a modernized version of the popular machines – SK-142. Its main difference from its predecessors is the injection engines and new Russian-made avionics.

Amphibians of this type are in great demand in remote taiga corners of Siberia, in Kamchatka, they are known on the Putorana plateau (mountain range). In general, everywhere where it is impossible to get by the car or by rivers. It should not be forgotten that the use helicopters or regional aircraft like the An-2 – today a rather expensive “pleasure”.

Amphibian SK-142: problem with engines?A concrete amphibious strip is not required. Photo:

The scope of application of SK amphibians is not only cargo delivery. Seaplanes are bought by travelers, lovers of outdoor recreation. Such freedom of movement as on by plane, no machine can give.

By water, “like dry land.” Photo:

Up to four people can be placed on board, meaning you can go on a "tour" with your family or a good company. The plane can fly 600 km with full tanks and return with a "catch" weighing 100 kg, which is interesting for fishermen and hunters.

About construction

The fuselage is of a boat type, with wheels. If necessary, the machine can be quickly moved onto skis. Two engines are integrated into the high-wing, supported by diagonals. The installation of injector units allowed to reduce fuel consumption by approximately 15% (from 38 to 33 liters per hour), which means an increase in flight range with the same tank volume.

The 912iS Sport engines are more economical than the 912ULS. Photo:

The previous model flew at 1300, SK-142 – up to 1500 km. At the same time, the “maximum speed” has not changed – 220 km/h, the cruising speed is also the same: 170-205 km/h, depending on the ceiling and outside temperature. The empty weight of the SK-142 is 750 kg, the largest takeoff weight is 1,2 tons, taking into account fuel. Fuel type – AI-95, but if it is not available, you can also splash in “ninety-second”.

If necessary, under the responsibility of the pilot, the machine is capable of transporting 1,5 tons over 1400 km. But you need to be sure of favorable weather conditions.

The amphibian has a roomy front luggage compartment 1,5 m long. It can accommodate light tourist, fishing, hunting equipment: fishing rods, guns, tents, etc. If you need to transport cargo, the rear seats fold down to form a platform measuring 1,2 x 1,7 m. When flying for two, you can transport up to 200 kg of equipment, things, and food.

How SK-142 is assembled

The bottom of the plane is made of fiberglass, which is manually laid layer by layer, each layer treated with epoxy glue. The structure is strong and light: the bottom weighs 30 kg. The fuselage, wings, and tail unit are made of metal.

The manufacturer claims that the avionics are of Russian origin. Photo:

In the workshop, the vehicle is assembled 100%, then checked. The amphibian is sent to the customer almost ready for operation - it will only be necessary to secure the wings, which are dismantled for ease of transportation.

Who buys an amphibian?

According to the head of the enterprise, Sergey Karpov, the main customers are private individuals. But there are also buyers of a different kind. For example, the well-known air carrier UTair purchased a seaplane to train its pilots.

Amphibian SK-142 at the air rally in Penza (2023)

The machine is very predictable and is suitable for, for example, passing the standards applied to aircraft of this type. Another seaplane was purchased by the regional government: the machine will be used to detect forest fires.

What's in the future

One of the problems is imported power units. In 2022, Rotax was still supplied, because it was not subject to sanctions then. Today, apparently, the situation is different: on the company's official website - only the previous model "Orion" SK-12, equipped with a carburetor engine ROTAX 912 ULS. Its cost in the basic configuration is 20 million rubles. It remains to wish the company that the issue with the injection engine is resolved.
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