"Moskvich-415": the villagers did not wait, the military refused
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"Moskvich-415": the villagers did not wait, the military refused

After the end of the war, the country faced many problems that had to be solved immediately. And it was not only about restoring the national economy. It had to be developed in accordance with modern requirements.

Among other problems, the most acute was the transportation problem. Especially in the countryside, where, given the state of the roads, the main means of transportation for ordinary collective farmers was a horse-drawn carriage.

All-wheel drive vehicles

They had already started to appear in the 1950s. In addition to the most common GAZ-69 and the remaining Willys here and there, the Soviet auto industry produced a small number of all-wheel drive vehicles based on serial passenger sedans. An example is the Pobeda 4x4 (GAZ-M72), as well as the 410 and 411 Moskvich models. After testing, it turned out that cars unreliable, gearboxes (especially transfer boxes) are weak. Therefore, large-scale production of these machines never began.

"Moskvich-415": the villagers did not wait, the military refusedThe Moskvich-411 station wagon with 4x4 drive. Photo: youtube.com

At that time, a car on its own separate frame, like the Willys, was considered a kind of standard for an SUV. Constructions with a load-bearing body, like the later Niva, were not even considered for a real SUV. And attempts (see above) to simply attach a second drive axle and transfer case to a serial sedan were unsuccessful. It was necessary to make an SUV from scratch. Nikita Khrushchev added fuel to the fire by putting forward the slogan-demand "Make a car for the collective farmer!" The Moscow automobile plant took this as an order and got down to business.


The development started at the capital's MZMA in 1957. To reduce the cost and simplify the design, assemblies and parts from already produced cars were used as much as possible. The gearboxes and axles were taken from the Moskvich-410, and the 45 hp engine was taken from the serial 407. The frame and body were unique, made from scratch.

Toyota Land Cruiser of the 1950s: Isn't it a Willys? Photo: youtube.com

The first assembled prototype strongly resembled the Willys MB. However, there is nothing surprising about this. Many foreign manufacturers did the same: for example, the English Land Rover, Fiat Campagnola (Italy), Toyota Land Cruiser.


It turned out to be rigid and strong, as it consisted of side members. The front axle was mounted on six, the rear - on nine leaf springs. A small overhang, a short wheelbase of 2,03 m with a clearance of 22 cm contributed to better cross-country ability. Model 415 was open, the 416th in 1960 received a full metal body with a roof. Later, the SUV began to install a motor from the Moskvich-408 with a capacity of 50 "horses".

The first version of the 415 model also resembled Willys. Photo: youtube.com

Fuel consumption on the first models was relatively low (for that time). On the highway at a speed of 59-70 km/h – 10,4-11 l, in the city – 14 l and on a dirt road – 19 l/100 km. The “maximum speed” on the highway reached 106 km/h. Not particularly, of course, but the “Moskvich-415” easily coped with fords up to 60 cm deep and climbed a hill with a slope of 31°.


The first testing started near Moscow in the spring of 1959. The identified shortcomings were promptly eliminated. By the summer of the same year, the second stage of testing began. It implied a run on a dirt road (7 thousand km), an asphalt highway (5 thousand km) and the city (2 thousand km). It was believed that the SUV would be driven in approximately these proportions. The cars were driven into the wilderness, tested in swamps, hummocks and gullies.

The bridges were taken from their own Moskvichs. Photo: youtube.com

There were some complaints. The first was a weak engine, the second was an unreliable clutch that often burned out. The shock absorbers also worked ineffectively, and the springs broke. However, some of the problems were caused by the low quality of the components. Nevertheless, overall the cars worked very well.

Final 415

After the next modernization, technical documentation was prepared for organizing serial production. Information about the Soviet "jeep" leaked into the newspapers. Villagers expressed hope that they would soon see an inexpensive and reliable car on their country roads.

The interior is not at all comfortable. Photo: youtube.com

Large-scale production was approved by the government in the fall of 1959, after testing was completed.

Based on the testing results, the Ministry of Defense became interested in the vehicle, believing that the vehicle could be used as a staff or communications vehicle.

At the same time, the car was improved at MZMA, an engine from the M-408 was installed, and the exterior and interior were “refined”.


It turned out to be impossible to produce the car in Moscow: there was not enough capacity. At that time, the enterprise was actively producing the Moskvich-407, which was exported (sometimes up to 60% of the total number!) and brought currency to the state treasury. By that time, the all-wheel drive Moskvich-410 and 411 were removed from the assembly line. And then the 415th loomed on the "horizon". So what, again reduce the production of a car that was profitable for the plant and the country, give space and finances to a new model, which, it is still unknown how they will sell? This was not in the Soviet tradition.

The car was equipped with an engine from the M-408. Photo: youtube.com

True, there was an attempt to organize serial production. They wanted to move the assembly of the SUV to Novosibirsk and entrust it to the Sibselmash enterprise. But the plant, apparently, was not delighted with this prospect: bureaucratic delays began, and the money was never allocated. A little later, they tried to interest the Ministry of Defense. For this, they transferred a prototype to Bronnitsy (NIII-21). But the car was not liked because of its small capacity and small strength reserve. The project stalled "automatically". But that's not all, they don't give up so easily!

The last fight

In 1970, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR A. Kosygin set the task of developing a comfortable passenger car with good cross-country ability before the AZLK, Izh and the newly commissioned VAZ plants. The reaction was quite prompt. At VAZ, for example, the first prototype of the future "Niva" was assembled already in 1972. In the same year, "Izhmash" presented its fourteenth model.

"Moskvich-415" is still on the road today

And what about AZLK? In 1973, they prepared the Moskvich-2150, based on old and, partially, new developments. The units were unified with the Moskvich 2140, which was being prepared for serial production. They built a couple of prototypes: one, with a soft canvas top, had the index M-2148. The other, M-2150, had a rigid metal body. The all-wheel drive Moskvich retained its main feature - a frame structure on side members.

Open version for the military. Photo: youtube.com

The result of the competition is well known: the Niva won, being more comfortable, although it had less “off-road capabilities”. There was another reason – the moral obsolescence of the Moskvich-415 model, developed fifteen years ago. As for the military, the UAZ-469, whose mass production started in 1971, began to “rule the roost”.

Also, we should not forget about the high centralization of the state system. It was assumed that each plant should "do its own thing." If, for example, AZLK produces "passenger cars," then there is no need to get into the "off-road segment." Let UAZ do it.

Surprisingly, there was another surge of interest in the Moskvich-2150 in the "dashing" 90s. Officials began to visit the enterprise, which was actually "drowning" in debt. For some reason, it was believed that organizing the production of a new car was not at all difficult: then the profit would come, the plant would start working again. The half-forgotten model was examined, even the dust was shaken off the archival drawings. However, it soon became clear to those in power that there were less troublesome ways to make money.

Even the improved exterior didn't help. Photo: youtube.com

"Moskvich-415", and later 2150, remained a long-awaited but unrealized project. It differs from others similar to it by its much greater viability, but - alas!
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