Quantum Engine: To Mars in 2 Days and a Car for 50 Years Without Refueling
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Quantum Engine: To Mars in 2 Days and a Car for 50 Years Without Refueling

Modern rocket jet engines have almost reached their ideal: it is impossible to do better: it is impossible to “squeeze” more out of the RD. The question arises: what next? Scientists all over the world are trying to get an answer to it, developing the theory of quantum engines.

Research into the creation and practical application of antigravity units is being conducted, in particular, in the USA and China. And they have already achieved some practical results, most of which have not been reported.

In Russia

Scientist, theoretical physicist, inventor – this is how you can call Vladimir Semenovich Leonov. For more than a quarter of a century, he has been working on the problems of the antigravity quantum engine (QE), which operates on the basis of the Superunification theory he created. And all would be fine: who knows what kind of scientists come up with something – that’s their job!

Quantum Engine: To Mars in 2 Days and a Car for 50 Years Without RefuelingWith jet thrust everything is clear: jet down – rocket up. Photo: youtube.com

However, Leonov is a laureate of the Russian Government Prize, his ideas, although sometimes controversial, are of interest to such well-known publications as "Military-Industrial Courier" and "Air and Space Spheres". Vladimir Semenovich's articles are regularly published in other mass media, he maintains his own blog, conducts experiments (we will talk about this later) to confirm his theory.

Leonov was offered to move to Great Britain to head a research institute there, but the scientist refused.

Another interesting fact: in 2019, after the presentation of the invention, Roscosmos became interested in the scientist's ideas and gave him a technical assignment to test the technology. Moreover, it was decided to create test benches at one of the defense plants to test Leonov's unit models.

In 2021, the scientist addressed an open letter to the President of the Russian Federation, where he raised issues of state security.

The topic was classified: there is no information about the state of affairs in this field yet. However, the mass media constantly flashes reports about the creation of new weapons in the Russian Federation using the so-called "grasers" - the same quantum engines. And what did the Russian scientist show during his experiments?

Leonov's Experiments

The inventor demonstrated the first antigravity device in 2009. It was a cylindrical thing with four wheels at the bottom, but there was no drive to them. The entire device was powered by an outlet. At that time, an impulse thrust of 50 kg was recorded. Opponents were confused by the fact that the device did not move upward (what about overcoming gravity?), but parallel to the Earth.

Leonov's first experimental apparatus. Photo: youtube.com

To convince the skeptics, in 2014 Leonov built a "machine" weighing 54 kg, which during tests managed to rise upward with an acceleration of 10-12 g, developing a thrust of 500-700 kgf. But let's move from experiments to the practical benefits that a quantum engine can bring, to make it clearer. And it is fantastic.


During the experiments with the antigravity unit, conducted on the stands, interesting characteristics were obtained. Especially if they are compared with the parameters of current carriers launched into space. A modern rocket develops a thrust of 0,1 kgf (or 1 Newton) per kilowatt of power. The same characteristic of the quantum engine is 5000 times greater and is 500 kgf (in pulse mode). The quantum engine does not heat the air with combustion products: it needs electric power for power.

Since the invention of the rocket power unit, we have advanced only slightly. If the German V-2 had a time impulse of 220 sec, then 50 years later the Russian Progress had one of 450 sec. The duration of this parameter for the KD is not seconds, but years! That is how long it can operate without refueling.

Now about the payload. The Angara-A5 rocket has a launch mass of 773 tons. The payload share is 24,5 tons when launched into the reference orbit.

The Angara-A5 power plant is significantly inferior to the KD. Photo: youtube.com

As you can see, less than 5%. According to Leonov, a hundred-ton device equipped with a 10-ton quantum engine provides 90% of the payload.

Speed ​​characteristics of ships with KD

Space technology with an antigravity unit is capable of accelerating to 1000 km/sec. Today, the maximum speed of carriers is limited to approximately 18 km/sec (rocket Saturn V). The consumption of KD fuel, compared to the current chemical one, will be reduced by 165 times.

It will be possible to reach the nearest celestial bodies faster. Photo: youtube.com

But the main thing is something else: a device with a quantum engine will be able to move in space with constant acceleration. This means that the distance to the Moon can be covered in 3,6 hours, Mars - 42 hours. Well, just like on by train - here it is, the new era of cosmonautics!

About the source of energy

This will be a reactor operating on the basis of cold nuclear fusion (CNF). Its design, which involves the use of nickel, was first presented to the world by Andrea Rossi (Italy).

Space is not the only area of ​​application of the quantum engine. Photo: youtube.com

In the nuclear cycle, this chemical element has an energy output that exceeds the same parameter of gasoline by a million times. In this regard, one kilogram of nickel is equal to 1 million liters of popular automobile fuel.

Aircraft manufacturing and quantum engine

Leonov's goal is to develop and create a universal power unit capable of functioning on Earth, in space, and underwater. Remember the stories about UFOs: they emerged from the water and flew upward at an insane speed. Modern aircraft rise to a height of 10-12 km, where the atmosphere, although not so dense, but its resistance is significant (we considered this issue in article, published earlier).

This is what the Earth looks like from a height of about 100 km. Photo: youtube.com

The quantum engine will allow the aircraft to rise to 50-100 km, where it will fly practically by inertia. There is no need to waste fuel on air resistance, which is almost non-existent at such an altitude. And the fuel itself will have to be refueled once every few years. The flight time, for example, from Moscow to New York will take 1 hour instead of the current ten.

Car with quantum power plant

It will be just a body on wheels - there is no special need for a transmission. The car will have colossal traction, providing unique cross-country ability. Using only a kilogram of nickel will allow you to travel up to 10 million kilometers. It turns out that the operational life of the car will be about 50 years, or even 100. It depends on how you drive! At the same time, the car can be equipped with a gravity cushion to "jump" over serious obstacles: for example, a river. Then you don't even need bridges.

Some theory

Let's try to briefly explain the essence of Leonov's discoveries. Everything is described in detail in his book "The Theory of Superunification". The basis of the quantum engine is the super-strong electromagnetic interaction and the space-time quantum, or, as the scientist called it, the quanton. Mendeleev also spoke about this element, calling it "zero" (newtonium).

Leonov talks about his discoveries. Photo: youtube.com

To put it simply, Leonov claims that all space is permeated with chaotically moving force particles (they have no mass, but possess enormous energy), which must be learned to direct in order to obtain thrust.

Einstein expressed a similar idea when developing his field theory. He proved that at high speeds the laws of classical mechanics cease to work. By the way: Tsiolkovsky believed that movement in space is possible not only with the help of reactive force, as is generally accepted today.

What about the oil companies?

There is an opinion that corporations will not allow the development of new technologies that can turn their business into dust. But history shows otherwise. Yes, there is and will be resistance. But those who said that a person will be able to fly were once considered crazy, and steamships, like steam locomotives, were called ugly "smoking monsters" that were not able to replace horses and sailboats. But they were forgotten very quickly! The laws of business are strict: whoever is late is late.
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