Fordson-Putilovets Tractor – Selfish US Aid to the Early Soviet Union
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Fordson-Putilovets Tractor – Selfish US Aid to the Early Soviet Union

In the early 1920s, the Soviet Union began to restore its economy. Moreover, it was planned not only to reach the previous level of development, but also to exceed it many times over. This required ideological people and a lot of equipment, first of all trucks и tractors. Yes, there was enough land for cultivation in the vast expanses of the state, but most of it lay in desolation after two wars. And then the Americans came to the rescue. As always, for the purpose of their own profit, having made sure that the USSR had survived. This is how Fordson tractors appeared in the country. By the way, they began to be supplied not because of the care of the US government, but thanks to the seething energy and thirst for profit of the infamous Henry Ford.

The Fordson-F tractor was first supplied to the USSR, and then in Leningrad, at the Krasny Putilovets plant, they began to assemble it under license, carefully copying it. Fortunately, the equipment was more than simple and primitive. The model was produced in the USSR for 8 years, with minimal modifications. It was such a time - there was a shortage of equipment, so the simplest and most budget tractor was the best solution in this situation. And they will tell you about this agricultural machine on the channel "Ivan Zenkevich PRO cars"Now Fordson-Putilovets seems archaic, but there was a time when it was considered a miracle.
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