GTT Repair – Correcting the Mistakes of Soviet Engineers
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GTT Repair – Correcting the Mistakes of Soviet Engineers

GTT is popular and passable cross-country vehicle, still in use. But it has a drawback since the Soviet era: the track slips due to the poor design of the body part (the wall is too thin). The drive gear gets sideways, and the car "takes off its shoes". The enthusiast guys in the video, kindly provided by the channel "Polygon-98", are trying to fix the annoying design flaw on their own.

We head to the garage – on the way we come across a puddle that we can’t avoid. In the workshop we have to work with dirty tracks: but we endure it – everyone wants to get a positive result as quickly as possible. We take off the tracks and remove the drive sprocket. The next step is the heavy gearbox. We disassembled it – what next? We decided to cut out a thin part of the body and install a thicker sheet of metal there. First we put it on, take measurements, go to the machines and drill holes in the right places using a template – a cut out piece of “standard” metal.

Next comes another fitting: everything must be correctly adjusted. The details of the operation can be seen in the video – we practically have a ready-made guide to “modernizing” the gas turbine torque converter. Finally, everything is cut and welded. We put the gearbox and sprocket in place. Now comes the most important thing – testing the all-terrain vehicle with an improved chassis. Want to see the results of this hard work? Watch the video!
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